Death by OCD

I have OCD. I’m serious. For a long long time, I’ve been very particular about wanting certain things to be a certain way. I just chalked it up to aspiring for perfection. But lately I’ve come to realize that it goes way beyond that.
According to Wikipedia, Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety, or by a combination of such obsessions and compulsions.

Phew! What a depressing definition. But it’s not actually that bad. My symptoms of OCD include repeated hand-washing (when I’m home, I wash hands at least 20 times a day), hoarding up things… well books and other paraphernalia in my case. But they always have some memories associated with them that it makes me unwilling to part with them. What’s wrong with that, you might ask? Well, I’ll just give one example: I still have the I-card from KG with the safety pin still attached; it lies in a white box at the bottom of my shelf and is always on the top of the rest of things, in the lower-right corner. Anything I chop is exactly rectangular in shape. I also have the habit of arranging things, whatever they may be, in the perfect orientation. Stacks of books, files, folders not neatly arranged are a strict no-no. The landline phone in my room should be exactly perpendicular to the wall. There shouldn’t be a speck of dust anywhere. The keys, tissues and phone should always be in the same corner of the table, not an inch out of place. Shall I go on? 

I used to joke about OCD with my bestie earlier, but when I found myself arranging all A4 size sheets in one particular type of folder, taking extra care while doing this and becoming sincreasingly anxious if I didn’t get that particular style of folder.. I knew the problem was a bit closer to home than I earlier anticipated.
But I’m not too worried about it… I’ve not been diagnosed with anything, it’s just a hunch. And it’s just making me more efficient and organized, so I’m not really complaining.

Anyhow… I have not deviated from my resolution to update regularly. I hope this remains the case throughout the year. Final exams of this semester are coming up, so hopefully I’ll have my nose buried in a book (textbook!) sometime soon. Speaking of which, I gotta arrange my bookshelf again.